
Maybe Rachel Reeves Is Full Of Sh!ŧ

Another verse of the song that keeps on giving

Evening folks

I’ve got the rona, or at least some cold/cough/flu thing, and I feel absolutely shocking. I am not normally a paracetamol guy, but I am grateful for it today.

Never mind all that, here’s a verse of the you-know-what song, put together earlier in the week for your amusement.

As you can tell by the green light, this was shot on location at Hinkley Point.

In other news, we have no fewer than five new songs in the pipeline - I’ll probably put out a couple before Christmas and a couple after - so keep your ears and eyes peeled in the coming weeks. I think two, possibly three of them have the potential to go properly viral, though you never know with these things.

I’ll also be releasing this year’s album - We’re All Far Right Now And Other Comic Songs (Ditties of Dissent - is that better?) - hopefully next week, in good time for Christmas.

Plus, I am just in the course of designing some mugs, which I think you will find extremely funny.

So lots going on, even if I am currently laid out.

See you on the 16th - I think there are still like 20 tickets left, if you fancy it. It’s going to be such a fun evening.
