I want to become the funniest and most popular satirical songwriter in the English-speaking world. Please join me on my mission.
Sign up (it’s free), enjoy the vids, plus get news of anything I’ve got got going on - gigs manly. You also get a free copy of my guide to The 10 Greatest Comic Songs of All Time.
Thank you.
PS If you’re looking for my biog, it’s here - I have a weird double life as a comedian and financial writer. This Substack is for all the comedy stuff.
Live Shows Coming Up
London, Crazy Coqs, January 22. SOLD OUT (Book the next one in May)
Oxford, Cholsey Hall, March 1. Tickets here.
Birmingham, Glee, March 8. Tickets here.
Shrewsbury, March 27. Tickets here.
Bath, April 3. Tickets here.
London, Crazy Coqs, May 14. Tickets here.
London, Crazy Coqs, Sept 24. Tickets here.
London, Crazy Coqs, Nov 5. Tickets here.
London, Crazy Coqs, Dec 3. Tickets here.