Before I'm Deleted for Christmas
Hello All
The live show at Comedy Unleashed last month, Before I'm Deleted, was the absolute tops: a brilliant crowd, a sold-out Backyard on a cold Monday night, phenomenal musicians. It really was a night to remember.
Against all expectations, the audio recording has come out really well too. Normally, live recordings of musical comedy are a bit pants, but, as I say, this one - thanks to the genius of Wayne McIntyre, not to mention the musicians Chad, Goat and Simon - has come out really well.
So I am having 100 CDs burnt. There will probably only ever going to be 100. So if you fancy a limited edition, signed CD, you can order one now here on my website and I will dispatch them when they arrive later this week in good time for Christmas.
There are also digital versions on Bandcamp, but the album won't be on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon or any of those places.
I've also got about 10 copies of Libertarian Love Songs still in stock and maybe 25 Anthems for the Excommunicated, if you fancy those. They all make for good Chrissie Pressies, guaranteed to bring cheer to all the family before the arguments start.
So, as I say, CDs are here, signed of course, and digital versions here.
Happy Chrimbo everyone.
All the best